570 Delzan Place, Suite 10, Lexington Ky 40503 info@militarymissions.org 859-221-9477

Operation Pillowcase

Our mission is to send a little taste of home to our deployed troops because they selflessly sacrifice so much for our safety and freedoms.

In the challenging and unfamiliar environments that our troops are often in, the significance of receiving handmade pillowcases goes beyond mere bedding. Deployed men and women often endure long periods of separation from their families and loved ones. Handmade pillowcases symbolize a connection to home, reminding them of the love and support waiting for them beyond the military mission.

Whether you have a passion for sewing or prefer a creative touch without the needle and thread, there are several ways to contribute to the comfort of deployed troops through personalized pillowcases. For those adept with a sewing machine, crafting pillowcases from scratch using your chosen fabric allows for a truly customized creation. Many patterns and videos can be found online if you need a little help.

Alternatively, if sewing isn’t your forte, you can purchase plain pillowcases and unleash your creativity through decoration. Adding personal touches such as embroidery or fabric paint (NO glitter) not only imparts a unique flair but also showcases the thoughtfulness behind the gesture. Whether handmade or creatively adorned, each pillowcase becomes a tangible expression of support, offering deployed troops a sense of warmth and connection from afar.

After your pillowcases are completed, neatly fold them and ship/bring them to our office at 570 Delzan Place, Suite 10, Lexington KY 40503. Feel free to include a handwritten card with each pillowcase.